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WEBINAR: Coaching Adaptive Skills

  • Thu, January 21, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online via Zoom


  • Member of South King County SHRM Chapter.
  • An individual who is not a member of the South King County SHRM Chapter.
  • An individual who is attending college full-time.

Registration is closed

Lee Riley

  Making Organizations Better

Employees bring many skills to the workplace and yet adaptive skills are the most fundamental and arguably the most important over time.  These are the skills we brought with us from childhood and they have an impact on everything we do, professionally and personally.  Think of adaptive skills as a tangible expression of our emotional quotient (EQ).

Consider the following common behaviors: the inability to receive negative feedback without getting defensive, consistently avoiding conflict or difficult conversations, trouble managing strong emotions, talking over others in meetings, and so on.  It’s not difficult to see that our adaptive skills are intertwined with virtually everything we do and it’s this complexity that makes them difficult to coach.  And yet, coach we must since so much is impacted by employees who are struggling here, especially when they hold leadership roles.

In this presentation we'll discuss:

  • Understanding adaptive skills and their impact on workplace culture
  • Adaptive skills and EQ, what’s the difference?
  • How do I grow in my adaptive skills? 
  • Adopting the mindset needed to effectively coach adaptive skills

About Lee:

Lee is a Seattle-based leadership development and management training specialist with a focus on helping organizations create work environments that score high in productivity, professionalism, and employee engagement.  He works with a wide range of organizations — public, private, and not-for-profit — wherever people manage people.  Lee’s approach is intelligent, practical, and with a focus on real-world skill development.  You can learn more about him at www.LeeRiley.com

Approved for 1 SHRM PDC and 1 HRCI (General) credits

AFTER YOU REGISTER: 2 days before the webinar we will email you the meeting ID and link. (If your email provider blocks emails from South King County SHRM, be sure to check your Spam folder.)

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